

Young Diplomats Forum, Brussels

We are pleased to announce the 19th Edition of the Young Diplomats Forum taking place in Brussels between 15th   and 19th  of July. The weeklong programme is a world-leading event for Young Diplomats and Students of International Affairs and Public policy.

Participants will engage with senior officials and institutions, including Ambassadors, Ministers, Parliamentarians, and Politicians, to gain valuable insights and tools to engage with key stakeholders at a crucial time in their careers. This edition in Brussels includes a session with the following institutions: NATO, Belgium Federal Government, Belgium Federal Parliament, European Commission, European Parliament, Council of the European Union, The EU Committee of the Region, The EU Social and Economic Committee, Flemish Regional Government, and others.

This programme has proven to significantly impact the career advancements of our past alumni by being part of an extensive network of professionals, engaging with senior officials and institutions, and developing practical skills.

Our global alumni community exceeds over 1,750 individuals from more than 180 countries. And past editions took place in Turkey, Mexico, the UK, Greece, Croatia, Malaysia, Belgium, Latvia, China, Brazil, South Africa, United States.

For more information, please visit us at:  https://www.gdforum.org/young-diplomats-forum-brussels-2024 

International Youth Diplomacy Conference is a flagship event of Diplomacy and international affairs www.gdforum.org

Global Diplomatic Forum
Peninsula Square
London SE10 0QU
T  : (44) 208 853 3293    


Square Marie-Louise, 
29, boîte 86,
1000 Bruxelles, 
T : (32) 494146187

E  : g.smith@gdforum.org
W: www.gdforum.org








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