

Teaching assistant sought for Quantitative Methods (~10% for Fall Semester 24), IPZ

The Chair of Political Methodology at the Department of Political Science at the University of Zurich (www.ipz.uzh.ch) invites applications for a position as a teaching assistant (TA; akin to a tutor) in the course Quantitative Methods (623-501a; taught by Dr. Garret Binding) as of September 1, 2024.

The TA will be responsible for weekly lab sessions accompanying the course Quantitative Methods in the Fall semester of 2024 (September—December 2024). The lab sessions take place each Friday from 2pm to 3.45pm. The main focus of these lab sessions is a hands-on experience with RStudio by working through different empirical exercises. The TA will also assist in other teaching-related matters (such as grading homework assignments). The compensation for this position is 1’800.- CHF per semester.

Level of employment
ca. 10%.

Applicants should have a solid grasp of the statistical foundations of quantitative research, such as probability and inference, and be well-versed in RStudio. They should speak English and be enrolled as a MA student during the time of their employment.

Starting date
The starting date for this position is September 1, 2024.

We offer
A possibility to work at one of Europe’s top departments in political science; an opportunity for first-hand teaching experience; and an office space at the Department of Political Science.

Further information
Please apply though our application page: https://www.ipz.uzh.ch/de/ueber-uns/offene-stellen/2024-TA-Binding. If you are interested but would like more information before applying, please reach out to Garret at binding@ipz.uzh.ch.

Closing date for applications
Review of applications will begin on August 2, 2024 and continue until the position is filled. Interviews will take place in August (and can be done virtually, if need be).








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