

Universities are invited to the kick-off event of the European Youth Week 2024

The European elections will take place this year between 6 and 9 of June. On this occasion, the Youth Outreach Unit of the European Parliament is reaching out to European universities hoping that they will help raise awareness about the importance of voting and democratic engagement among their students.

For the 10th time in the history the European citizens will decide who will represent them in the European Parliament, yet for the majority of students this will be the first time they will be able to vote in the European elections.

What role can universities play in fostering democratic engagement? Is your university or faculty planning to or already promoting the European elections in the campus? Would you like to find out what educational and promotional resources you can use to raise student’s awareness? Or get inspired by the experiences of others in successful youth engagement on civic education?

If so, university staff (primary targets are the departments of Communications, International relations, Erasmus+ and/or student life) are invited to come and share their views on how to engage young people for democracy and encourage them to vote in the next European elections at the flagship event of the European Youth Week in the European Parliament in Brussels on 12 April 2024, co-organised with the European Commission. The participants are the representatives of education authorities, Erasmus+ agencies and youth projects from all over Europe and beyond, as well as by high-level European decision-makers. The topic of the event is youth engagement, participation and active citizenship with a focus on democracy and the European elections.

The European Parliament is happy to cover travel and accommodation expenses (2 nights, 11-12 April) for 27 participants, if needed. The selection of the participants will be based on first come, first served basis, taking into account geographic diversity.

Interested? Please apply by 15 January 2024 on the website of the European Parliament.








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