

Call for Applications for Gen A – Young Leadership Program 2024

Asia Society Switzerland is an NPO that specializes in fostering Asia Competence in Switzerland, and as such, we are committed to empowering younger voices in the dialogue with Asia. This is why we offer our one-year program free of charge to enable the next generation to engage with Asia on an eye level and build a community of young Asia-curious people in Switzerland. 

The Gen A (short for “Generation Asia”) Program allows participants to deepen their knowledge and expand their network. Through our roundtables, the Gen A Fellows discuss and connect with experts who have already built their careers in Asia. The program further gathers like-minded people from across Switzerland and beyond in a growing alumni network with partner events and much more.  

During their fellowship, our Fellows receive a free Asia Society Switzerland membership to participate in all our exclusive events, and in addition, they have the chance to present their final project at our flagship annual conference, STATE OF ASIA, where their voices can be further amplified.  

Candidates can submit their application on our website until January 14, 2024.  

You can find all the information about the program here.  

Émilie Luthringer | Project Manager |  Asia Society Switzerland

Muehlebachstrasse 20 | P.O. Box | 8032 Zurich, Switzerland | @AsiaSocietyCH | www.asiasociety.org/switzerland

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