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Hackathon on Detecting Online Hate Speech

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Hackathon on Detecting Online Hate Speech — September 6th at ETH Zurich

Want to contribute to safer and more inclusive online spaces? Got skills in Natural Language Processing?

Register for the upcoming Hackathon on Detecting Online Hate Speech on September 6, 2023 at the Student Project House at ETH Zurich.

The hackathon is part of this year’s Latsis Symposium on “Tackling Online Hate Speech and Strengthening Public Discourse” at ETH Zurich. Participants will work in small teams and have access to a unique and original dataset of annotated reader comments to develop a hate speech detection algorithm. The comments are coming from leading Swiss online newspapers.

Submitted solutions will run on a test set and the submissions with the highest F1-scores can win attractive prizes. The event is sponsored by CoopRechtsschutz and ETH AI Center.

Further info:

Sign up

In case of questions, please contact dominsta@ethz.ch or philip.grech@gess.ethz.ch