

PhD student in the research project “Densifying Switzerland” / eth

Job description

We are looking for a PhD student who conducts research in the Swiss National Science Foundation funded project “Densifying Switzerland”. The project examines factors that influence the acceptance and democratic support for (urban) densification in Switzerland. Densification is the central paradigm of Swiss spatial planning. Yet, the challenge is to realize densification democratically and without insensifying or creating new socio-economic inequalities.

This research project studies the acceptance and democratic support of densification projects. The focus lies on individual and project-related factors as well as on political instruments such as ancillary planning policies (e.g., inclusionary zoning, rent control, or value capture) and participatory processes. The latter two allow us to examine whether local governments and local planners have options at their disposal to enhance the acceptance and support of densification.

We will collect and analyze survey and observational data. To examine acceptance, we will design and implement large-scale surveys (including survey experiments) of different densification scenarios in all 162 Swiss statistical cities. To analyze democratic support, we will collect and analyze local ballot data about densification projects in all 162 Swiss statistical cities.

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